The consequences of delays in reaching appropriate health facilities can cause a high number of neonatal and maternal mortality. This is often due to factors such as; a.Lack of affordable transportation, b.Inaccessibility, or distance, c.Preventing individuals from accessing institutional health services. As a response to these gaps, UNFPA has taken an important step forward by providing eight (Brand New) ambulances to AADA. This initiative aims to improve the capacity for timely referral of patients from Family Health Houses (FHHs), including 1. Women with complications during pregnancy or labor and 2. Under-five children in distress. These patients will be referred to obstetric, neonatal, or pediatric emergency departments for secondary and tertiary-level care using fully dedicated ambulances in the areas. It is worth noting that the ambulances will operate in the catchment areas of FHHs in Ghazni, Ghor, Herat, Faryab, Laghman, and Kunar provinces.