About Us
Agency for Assistance and Development of Afghanistan (AADA) is a non-political, non-profit, and independent national organization. AADA is registered with the Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan under registration #33, and works within the country’s constitution.
Empowered Communities
Mission Statement
Supporting communities to achieve long term changes in the lives of families and individuals.
AADA was founded in 2005 with the main aim of providing quality health and social services, professional capacity building, and promotion of equal access of communities to developmental and humanitarian services. AADA also responds to the needs of the Afghan people in accordance with the principles and fundamentals of civil society organizations.
About Us
Quality improvement, geographic expansion, diversification of funding, institutional development, gender equity, women empowerment and community development are among the main strategic directions reflected in the “AADA Strategic Plan”.
In its long life AADA has operated in 33 provinces of Afghanistan and has successfully implemented more than 125 health and health-related projects, including 28 education/capacity development projects. AADA is a multi-donor funded organization in partnership with the Government of Afghanistan and other international donors including USAID, World Bank, Global Fund and UN agencies.
AADA has been one of the pioneer organizations in implementing the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) in different provinces since 2006. AADA has successfully implemented the BPHS/EPHS under PPG, PPA, PCH, SEHAT and Sehatmandi projects in Bamyan, Faryab, Samangan, Takhar, Khost, Ghazni, Nangarhar, Zabul, Paktya and Herat.

In 2021, AADA provides health services to over 5,500,000 population in 17 provinces of Afghanistan through 5850 paid staff and over 7534 volunteers (Community Health Workers). Currently, AADA implements Basic Package of Health Services and Essential Package of Hospital Services in Paktia, Zabul and Ghazni, and Basic Package of Health Services in Herat province through a total of 311 Health Facilities including two Provincial Hospital, eleven District Hospitals, 65 Comprehensive Health Centers and 234 other type of Health Facilities. Meanwhile, AADA is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in Herat, Ghazni, Zabul and Nangarhar provinces.
AADA has employed a significant number of highly qualified and competent staff at headquarters and in the provinces. The experienced and qualified team is composed of public health professionals, training and education specialists, and financial and accountant experts, communication and community development experts.
AADA has taken many initiatives to ensure having a well-governed financial system including developing and implementing an elaborative Financial Management Manual. All the activities of the finance personnel are in compliance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) described in the Financial Management Manual of AADA. In order to strengthen the internal control measures, ADDA had successfully implemented the QuickBooks accounting software.
Since its establishment AADA is governed by the “Board of Trustees” who provide overall policy direction and supports AADA to achieve its aims in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with the organization’s values and guiding principles, and in line with the Afghanistan Government constitution.
Supervised by the Board of Trustees, AADA senior management team, the Executive Board, is responsible for the overall management of projects throughout the country, developing policy and strategy and delivering the organization’s plans, implementing decisions and measuring performance. AADA’s headquarter office is in Kabul, and seven provincial offices oversee its field activities. At the headquarter the management team is led by the General Director, supported by a Program Advisor, Program Director, Program Development Director, Finance Director, Head of M&E, Head of Internal Audit and Operation Coordinator.


Senior Management
Dr. Yasamin Yousofzai
General Director
Dr. Najeebullah Baleegh
Program Director
Mr. Noorullah Malang
Acting Finance Director
Dr. Hazratullah Zaheer
Head of M & E
board of trustees
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AADA works closely with both National and International Organisations. The following are some of our partners.